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I Love Riding in the City

NAME: Sandy Ley

LOCATION: Shanghai, China

OCCUPATION: Art Director

Where do you live and what’s it like riding in your city?

I’m originally from San Francisco but am currently living in Shanghai, China after moving here from NYC.

This is probably the craziest city I’ve ever ridden in—you have to be constantly on the lookout for spitters, random elderly people walking into you, crazy taxi drivers and livestock falling from trucks alongside of you.

Once a guy with a 10 ft steel pole attached to his motorscooter came out of nowhere and nearly got it stuck in my spokes—so dangerous! But somehow, the traffic just seems to flow naturally in this city… almost like a choreographed dance.

What was your favorite city to ride in, and why?

NYC always makes for an interesting ride. I love the traffic, the bridges and the beautiful sights. It’s the only city in which you can ride for 40 minutes and end up in a neighborhood that feels like a completely different country. My favorite ride was from Williamsburg to Fort Tilden—from the ‘burg to the beach!

Why do you love riding in the city?

I love riding in Shanghai because it’s made me a much better cyclist. All the abrupt stopping and tight squeezes have really helped me gain better control over my bike. Plus, there’s just something about riding 45 deep with motorscooters, tuk tuks, wheelbarrows and electric bikes that reminds you that you’re a long way from home.

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Photo by Tyler Bowa,

Chrome Shoes

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