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I Love Riding in the City

Name: Simon Tamás-László
Location: Rome, Italy
Occupation: Freelance Photographer & Father

Where do you live and what’s it like riding in your city?
I am a Hungarian biker in Rome. It’s a beautiful city to visit, but impractical for living. The traffic is extremely chaotic. Most drivers are so impatient that few people use a bike.

What’s your favorite city to ride in and why?
I loved riding in Budapest (Hungary) because of the urban planning—good bike lanes and more rights for cyclists. There is so much bike culture there—messengers, commuters, etc.

Why do you love riding in the city?
The public transportation is no good, and I can’t tolerate Roman traffic, so riding is the best option. I am faster than buses or the tram, and I love when the cars are blocked and I pass them by my bike.

When is your favorite time to ride?
Early in the morning when the city is beginning to awaken. I like the fresh air on my face. The silence in my ears. The excitement. I feel true freedom.

Name: Will Garcia
Location: Miami, FL
Occupation: Advertising Lifer

Where do you live and what’s it like riding in your city?
Miami is like being inside an 80’s video game. Cars, SUVs, buses, even cop cars seem to be out to get me in that low-res-bitmapped sort of way.
People here just don’t comprehend (or seem to care) the meaning of sharing the pavement. But despite the occasional fender tap, stare-downs, middle fingers and fists up in the air, we all get along in our own deadly way. Minimal traffic laws apply.

What’s your favorite (or the most exotic) city you’ve ridden in, and what made it special or memorable?
Boulder, Colorado—if you dare call it a city. I mention it for its unique love for the bike. But for a real city—New York City. With its hustle, bustle, noise, poise, freaks, treats, cabs, fabs, its got it all! Especially when coming from its boroughs. For me it was the 13-mile ride in the 90’s that made it all memorable.

Why do you love riding in the city?
The mad dashes to beat the motorists whenever possible. It’s what keeps me sane and in shape.